Tel: 02381 530430

Monday to Friday 8.30 am – 5pm

Refer a Patient

Dental Implants Southampton

UK has one of the fewest Dental implants as a proportion of the population.

Dental implants are without doubt a far better treatment option for a vast number of your patients.
One of the most important reasons for patients to be unable to choose their preferred option was financial affordability.

We have a mission to make dental implants affordable to a vast majority of UK population.

If you don’t currently place implants, you may perhaps be interested in carrying out restorative treatment on pre-placed dental implants which is more like routine crown and procedures rather than getting involved in the surgical side of these procedures which entails additional post graduate qualifications and financial outlay in expensive kits and instruments.

If you are keen to provide restorative aspect of dental implants, we would like to work with you and as ADI accredited mentor will provide full support and training.

We would carry out the surgical implant placement sending the patient back to you to complete the restorative stage. In the USA and Canada, this has been a common practice for many years.

Moreover, since you would be putting the icing on the cake you would get most of the accolades. These patients may also need general dentistry to optimally prepare their mouth before implant placement as well as restorative and cosmetic dentistry as part of the overall treatment plan all of which you could provide to the patient as per your fee schedule.

Any patient referred to us for implant treatment will under no circumstances be accepted in our surgery for any other treatment and returned to the referring dentist.


Would you just prefer to refer for the complete implant placement and the restoration?

We are pleased to do implant restorations from start to finish. Our charges for fully completed single tooth implant done are from £1495. We expect referring practices to bill us for the costs incurred in writing the referral letter, copying notes, the initial consultation and providing x-rays, up to a maximum of £100.

If you are interested in any of the above proposals then simple call Emma our Practice Manager on 02381530430 or Email to . Emma will arrange a mutually convenient time and place to discuss the arrangement in further details.

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Tel: 02381 530430

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Telephone: 02381 530430 - Invest in your smile, you wear it every day