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The Dental Implant Procedure

Dental Implants Procedure

Please click the titles below to read information about the main stages of the implant placement procedure.

If you have any questions please contact us and one of our team will be happy to help.

The Initial Assessment Process

An important part of a dental implant procedure is the initial assessment process. During this, we will discuss your medical history as well as explaining your treatment and answering any questions that you may have. Please complete the Suitabiity Assessment here prior to your consultation.

There will also be an oral examination and possibly, a few x-rays to make sure that you are suitable to receive a dental implant. Once this has been done, we will be able to give you an accurate costing of your treatment. In most cases we are able to offer affordable treatment options which will save you money whilst ensuring a high quality of work.

Whilst the success rate of dental implants is very high indeed, there are factors which can cause problems and this is why we will do an assessment of the general health of your mouth and surrounding teeth and gums. If these are infected, it can cause the implants to be rejected, which is why we check beforehand and treat any infections prior to the dental implant procedure itself. At this stage, we also check for signs of bruxism (jaw grinding) as this can put undue pressure on newly placed implants and will seek to address this issue if it exists.

To establish the precise placement of the implants, we will take a mould of the mouth as well as some x-rays to enables us to locate exactly where the implants need to be placed to produce the best possible results for you as an individual.

An important factor for the success of a dental implant is having sufficient bone density in the jaw for the implants to be placed into. If we need to check this, a CT scan may be taken to give a 3D impression which helps us to identify if your bone density is sufficient or whether you may need to have a bone graft prior to the implant procedure. It also allows us to identify the correct size of implant needed.

All of the above procedures will allow us to make a detailed assessment of your treatment and we will at this stage provide you with a written plan of treatment including cost and an outline of everything that you should need to be aware of including the need to stop smoking for a period of time leading up to the implant. A consent form will also be given to you for signature.

Once everything has been agreed and signed, a small deposit will be taken and a booking made for the treatment.

Pre Procedure
  • We recommend a full scaling of your remaining natural teeth 4 weeks prior to the implant procedure.
  • It is advisable to use Corsodyl mouth wash three days before the procedure to ensure the best oral hygiene which will aid the success of the procedure
  • If needed, any antibiotic, anti inflammatory or oral sedative should be taken 24 hours before the procedure.
  • We advise only a light meal be taken before the surgery itself and also would recommend that you bring someone with you who can drive you home, especially if you are planning to have conscious sedation treatment during the procedure.
Placement of the Dental Implant

The procedure itself is carried out using a local anaesthetic and oral sedation if needed. It is also possible to provide intravenous sedation if necessary and this will be discussed beforehand.

To place the implant, the gum is lifted and the implant precisely placed. Once this has been done, the gum will be returned and the site of the procedure closed. If there is any temporary bridgework or dentures, they will be replaced at this time.

Depending on your individual treatment, it may be possible for a temporary crown to be attached at this time. However, it is more normal to allow a healing period of a few months before this happens. If it is attached at this point, it is important that a soft food diet is followed for three months prior to the final crown being added.

Once the procedure has been completed, you will be given full aftercare including details of how to care for the implant and we are also available on the phone to answer any queries or issues which may arise.

On occasions it may be necessary to place a taller cap onto the implant if the implant was left under the gum. This usually takes place between three and six months after the placement, though in some cases, it may have been placed at the time of the implant. If this is needed, the gum is numbed and a small hole made in the gum above the implant and a small cap placed. This is allowed then to heal for up to a month.

After this stage, around a month later, we will take an impression and this will be sent to the laboratory along with the correct shade to blend in naturally with your natural teeth. Once the laboratory has made the new crown, an appointment will need to be made for its fitting.

Dental Implant Aftercare

Once your implant treatment is complete, we recommend that an x-ray be taken within the first month after placement as well as an oral check. Naturally, regular six monthly checks should be continued as normal to ensure continued good oral health. In addition to this, an annual x-ray should be taken to ensure there is no infection in the gum area surrounding the implant or any damage that may have been caused due to excess pressure such as grinding of the teeth.

In rare instances, if the gum recedes too far, it may be possible to see the dental implant. If this arises, it is possible to perform gum surgery to correct this.
Although the actual dental implant procedure may seem detailed and possibly complicated; the good news is that it is a highly successful procedure and one which brings long lasting benefits to your oral health as well as your confident smile.

  • The Dental Implant Procedure
  • The Dental Implant Procedure
  • The Dental Implant Procedure
  • The Dental Implant Procedure
  • The Dental Implant Procedure
  • The Dental Implant Procedure

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